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Fomento del liderazgo juvenil en la segunda fase del proyecto Munduko en Euskadi

Una nueva edición de "Munduko auzoekin ikasten, bertako auzoan ekin" (Aprender con los barrios del mundo, emprender en tu barrio) tuvo lugar…

Adsis Foundation renews its Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of Fundación Adsis, the organization's governing body, recently welcomed two new members, María Álvarez…

Domino's Pizza joins Fundación Adsis to support vulnerable people in Madrid

Fundación Adsis will receive the proceeds from the opening day of the new Domino's Pizza store in the Villaverde, Madrid, which will take place…

Awarded in Salamanca for our commitment to the future of vulnerable youth

Fundación Adsis has been awarded in Salamanca one of the awards "Con nombre de mujer", which has been awarded over the last five years by the…

Fundación Adsis and TENDAM come together for an innovative dual training project

Fundación Adsis and TENDAM, one of the main groups in Europe in the fashion retail sector, a leader and endorsed by its long history, experience…